07 August 2011

Eating Habits

As you can see, I love to cook. Anything and everything! Whatever I crave, I go hunting for a recipe and do tons of research on ingredients, prep, directions and time to complete the meal. That's why I love Allrecipes.com. They not only have recipes, but they also have lots of helpful reviews from people who have tried the recipe.

Despite cooking lots of wonderful food at home using amazingly fresh ingredients from my farmers market recently, I have noticed that I have been putting on weight. I know it's because of my poor eating habits, skipping meals, snacking at the wrong times, and not really worrying about what is in what I am putting in my mouth. I watch my kids like a hawk, making sure they are eating when they should, and making sure they eat healthy and nutritious food.

I know its not just about diet. It's also being active and not sitting on my computer waiting for my laundry to buzz, my dishes to soak, my cupcakes to be ready for frosting. My husband and I had a wonderful conversation, about weight, fitness and food.  Mainly about portion size. I was looking up meal ideas, as I always do when my kids are finally in bed. It was shocking that some of the portions are 3/4 or 1/2 of the portions I usually serve my husband and I. Well, that's it. I'm done! I am determined to lose some weight, but not sacrifice my cooking obsession.

So I have decided to revamp my meals and think not only about what I am craving but what is healthy and portioned correctly. Really, do I need to serve corn and mashed potatoes? Or, do I really have to cover every inch of my plate with food? And, do I really need that much sauce for my chicken?

I have always believed every meal should have the four food groups. What I forget is that not everything has to be eaten in the meal. I should consider having a glass of milk, juice, or even water, instead of pop. I should pick up some non-fat sour cream, instead of the full fat one, because really I can't taste the difference.

I have also decided to consider different diets, to be included in my family's dinner. For example, having a vegan meal once a week, or eating gluten free pasta instead of regular pasta occasionally. Small changes, that could potentially help make us a little healthier. Possibly, my husband and I could lose a couple of pounds and inches around our waist.

So wish me luck, hopefully I'll be about to figure something out. Of course, still cook some amazing food for my family. Oh, and if there is a recipe you would like, write me a comment and I'll post it. :)

Happy Cooking!!  :)

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